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Showing posts from 2010

Configure Alfresco in Ubuntu 10.4 LTS

Pre-Requisition 1. Mysql 2. Image Magic 3. Swftools 4. Open Office 5. Alfresco Community Edition 3.2 To update apt source.list 1. open source.list using vi /etc/apt/sources.list 2. enable all debian url To update Latest apt-get Repository 1. sudo apt-get update To Install 32 Bit Software sudo apt-get install ia32-libs To Install MySql 1. apt-get install mysql-server To Install Sun Jdk 1. aptitude install sun-java6-jdk 2. ./jdk-6u20-linux-x64.bin 3. mv jdk1.6.0_20/ /usr/local/java 4. chmod a+rx -R /usr/local/java 5. open vi /etc/profile 6. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java 7. export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH 8. export CLASSPATH=.:$CLASSPATH:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar To install Open Office (If Really Needed) 1. If open office is not installed then please download the Open Office click here 2. mv OOo_3.2.1_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz /opt/ 3. cd /opt/ 4. tar zxvf OOo_3.2.1_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz 5. cd OOO320_m18_native_packed-1_en...

Signing Blackberry application in Different Machine

BlackBerry SignatureTool to register with the Signing Authority 1) Save all 3 .csi files in the same directory (each one will be sent in a separate email message). 2) Start Eclipse. 3) Click on the BlackBerry menu and choose Install Signature Keys. 4) Select one of the 3 .csi files saved in step 1 and click Open. 5) Click "Yes" to create a new key pair file. 6) Type a password for your private key of at least 8 characters, and type it again to confirm. This is your private key password, which protects your private key. Please remember this password as you will be prompted for it each time signing is attempted or a signature key is installed. 7) Move your mouse to generate date for a new private key. 8) In the Registration PIN" field, type the PIN number that you supplied on the signature key order form. 9) In the Private Key password field, type the password created in step 6. 10) Click "Register". 11) Click "Exit". 12) Repeat this ...

Okular - PDF reader for Ubuntu

Okular is a universal document viewer based on KPDF Sample Command james@:~$ sudo apt-get install okular